How to get past your past

Most people in life really do battle with the bitterness of a past that seems to creep into their minds seemingly out of nowhere.

And when that happens, all too often people will allow their history to rob them of their destiny.

It doesn’t have to be that way!!!

It should NOT be that way!!!

Here are five thoughts I wanted to share with those of you who battle with the pain of a past where you did something (or something was done to you) that dominates your mind and emotions.

#1 – We cannot go back in time, but we CAN move forward in Christ! (II Corinthians 5:17)

#2 – Only Jesus can take the pain of our past and turn it into progress in our lives (Romans 8:28). If He can take a blood stained cross and turn it into an empty tomb then NOTHING is impossible for Him!!

#3 – Your past may be what you did, but it is not who you are in Christ! (John 3:17)

#4 – God never used perfect people. Abraham was a pagan, Moses was a drunk, Rahab was a ho, Peter cussed, Thomas doubted, Paul killed people, David committed adultery and murder…and God used all of them to do greater things that they could have ever imagined. His grace really is greater than our sin! (Titus 2:4-7)

#5 – Jesus knew every foolish and sinful decision we were ever going to make, and yet He still created us on purpose (Psalm 139:13-16), has a plan for our lives (Ephesians2:10) and made arrangements for the payment for our sin (John 3:16).

These are not nice things for us to read. They are truths we can live our lives by!!! And they are true about you, no matter WHAT you have ever done in your past.

The payment God made for our sins through Jesus is greater than the pain we have brought on by our past!

In Christ we CAN move forward!!!

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