Removing the stumbling block from the unsaved

THE work to which the servant of Christ is called is many-sided. Not only is he to preach the Gospel to the unsaved, to feed God’s people with knowledge and understanding (Jer. 3:15), and to take up the stumbling stone out of their way (Is. 57:14), but he is also charged to “cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression” (Is. 58:1 and cf. 1 Tim. 4:2). Yet another important part of his commission is stated thus: “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God” (Is. 40:1).

What an honorable title, “My people!” What an assuring relationship, “your God!” What a pleasant task, “You comfort My people!” A threefold reason may be suggested for the duplicating of the charge. First, believers sometimes refuse to be comforted (Ps. 77:2) and the consolation needs to be repeated. A second reason is to impress more emphatically on the preacher’s heart that he need not be sparing in administering cheer. A third reason is to assure us how heartily desirous God himself is that His people be of good cheer (Phil 4:4).

God has a “people,” the objects of His special favor: a company whom He has taken into such intimate relationship with Himself that He calls them “My people.” Often they are disconsolate because of their natural corruptions, the temptations of Satan, the cruel treatment of the world, the low state of Christ’s cause on earth. The “God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3) is very tender toward them, and it is His revealed will that His servants should bind up the brokenhearted and pour the balm of Gilead into their wounds. What cause we have to exclaim “Who is a God like unto Thee!” (Micah 7:18), who has provided for the comfort of those who were rebels against His government and transgressors of His Law.

Pink, A. W. (2005). Comfort for Christians (pp. 1–6). 

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