Are you prepared for spiritual warfare?

In days of gladness and in times of war the blast of the trumpet was a familiar sound in Israel. It was the voice of Jehovah, and the commands that the Lord gave by means of the trumpets were given on the ground of redemption. As Israel was His redeemed people, He claimed their obedience. The trumpets, as emblematic of the voice of God, were to be blown only by the priests, v. 8, men who had been cleansed and commissioned, Num. 8:6–15. These men were to make known the Lord’s will to the people.

As Israel was dependent on the sound of the trumpet, so we are dependent as His people on the teaching of His word. Conviction in the use of the trumpet is necessary as it must not give an uncertain sound, 1 Cor. 14:8.

They were used for the gathering of Israel, v. 3, and God still calls His people together, Heb. 10:25; Matt. 18:20. They were used when the people journeyed, v. 2, and we are not to settle down in this scene. We are but passing through.

They were to be blown in days of gladness and on solemn days, v. 10. Sometimes we forget God in our days of gladness, and then have little faith to turn to Him in our days of sadness. How good it is to know that we belong to the God who works everything after the counsel of His will and who also works everything for good to them who love Him.

They were to be blown in the beginning of months, at the burnt offerings and the peace offerings, at the Feast of Trumpets, Lev. 23:24, 25, and at the time of Jubilee, Lev. 25:9. They were also to be blown in time of war when enemies would attack. The sound was, to them, the voice of God giving direction and comforting assurance at the same time. It reminded them of their dependence upon His aid, and was an act of devout confidence in God.

We need to be prepared for the enemy’s attack. We need to put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand against the devil, Eph. 6:12–18. Our confidence must be in God. Does He not say, ‘call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me’, Ps. 50:15?

Osborne, B. (2004). February 1st: Sound the Trumpet (Numbers 10:8, 9). In J. Bennett (Ed.), Day by Day: Bible Promises (p. 50). West Glamorgan, UK: Precious Seed.

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