What is Biblical Authority even more important today?

Take a closer look - “Scripture cannot be broken.”- John 10:35
Erotic rights appear to be beating down religious liberty. The whole homosexual movements is really the tail end of the 1960's sexual revolution. But today, it is seeking to infiltrate the church. We know the the UK Church of England has capitulated. But how? 

Their clery have choosen to ignore scripture or have chosen to re-interpet scripture to suit and justify their own sin. But when the CofE debated the topic of homosexuality with the bishops (not for the public but for the clergy) they used phrases such as "You have your view and we have our view" or "Let's agree to disagree."

The authority of scripture does NOT permit these statements. The Bible is not subject to man - we are subject to it. The Bible stands above all opinions and authorities.

Because the Reformers believed Scripture is the only infallible authority for the church (sola Scriptura), they affirmed that church tradition and the bishops could be corrected by Scripture when Scripture conflicted with other authorities. Roman Catholics, on the other hand, said church tradition and the Magisterium (teaching officers of the church) were equal in authority to Scripture. Thus, Rome would not allow herself to be corrected on matters such as justification and worship, for their views on those issues were determined by extrabiblical traditions, which they believed had divine authority.

That Scripture stands above all other authorities is evident from just a cursory reading of the Bible. 

First, Scripture’s unique ontological (pertaining to being or essence) character as theopneustos—God breathed—means that every other authority is on a lower level by nature. By definition, God is the highest authority possible (Heb. 6:13), so what He says is the final arbiter of truth. And if the only place we have His words is Scripture, then Scripture is the highest court of authority to which we can appeal. 

Nothing else is on the same level, for only Scripture is theopneustos (2 Tim. 3:16–17).

Moreover, when we look at the example of Christ Himself, we find that He viewed Scripture as having the highest authority. In John 10:35, for example, Jesus says that “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). Other traditions and authorities can be set aside (Matt. 15:1–9), but “the doctrine of Scripture is inviolable” (John Calvin).

To say that Scripture is the only infallible authority and the final authority for the church does not mean there are no other authorities to which we should pay heed as believers. God does invest His church, for example, with authority as “a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). But other authorities are secondary, and their authority is derivative; they have the right to command us only insofar as what they teach conforms to the written Word of God.

Church tradition and the teaching we receive in our local churches are vital for helping us understand the Scriptures. However, those authorities, as well as all other authorities, are subject finally to the Word of God. No one may demand that we believe or do something that is contrary to Scripture. Let us submit to God-ordained authorities in the church but only insofar as they teach what Scripture teaches. Author RC Sproul. Ever considered Bible Collegehopecollege.com

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