Eye witness to the glory of Jesus

“And when they were awake, they saw His glory, and the two men that stood with Him ” (Luke 9:32).

The disciples were with Jesus Christ on the Mount, and in his Epistle, Peter records what they saw there; he says, “we were eye-witnesses of His majesty” (2 Peter i. 16). Jesus Christ is no Comrade to Peter, He is absolute King of kings. In the Apocalypse the Apostle John gives the same revelation of the appalling and sublime majesty of Jesus Christ. The disciples are fully awake now and face to face with Reality.

Intellectual thinking and reasoning never yet got a man to Reality, because these are instruments of life, and not the life itself. Our only organ for getting at Reality is conscience, and the Holy Spirit always deals with conscience first. Intellect and emotions come in afterwards as the instruments of human expression.

The disciples came down from the Mount into the demon-possessed valley, but it was not until after the Cross and the Resurrection that they began to understand what they had seen, the reason being that what they had seen in vision on the Mount had to be worked out into actual experience in their lives. By the presence of the Holy Ghost in us we know Who the Lord Jesus is. We know Him “after the Spirit.” 

The Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus to us and in us until we know Who He is, and know the exceeding majesty of Him Who said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.” We do not know this by our intellect or by our sensible reasoning, but by the real witness of the Paraclete of God. The eyes of the disciples needed to be opened by the impartation of quickening life from our Lord after the Resurrection before they knew Him (Luke xxiv. 16 and 31); and the only way in which we can know our Lord is by His Spirit.

Chambers, O. (1930). Making all things new. Hants UK: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.

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