40 reasons to avoid pornography

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...Image via Wikipedia
Pornography is wrong.

There’s no debate.
In fact, many non-Christians are against pornography. It’s not just a religious issue, it’s a cultural one, as well. Many of the “reasons” listed against pornography are focused on the negatives.
Now, as much as you may think:
Who needs a reason? Isn’t one enough?
It should be, but many statistics surveying the Church say otherwise. In fact, a great deal of you reading this post right now, have viewed pornography within the last 6-months.

As the Church struggles to be less about rule making and focusing on what Christians are not suppose to be doing, let me present to you a list of 40 positive reasons to avoid pornography:

  1. I fully enjoy the pleasure of my love relationship with Christ.
  2. I fulfill my true identity as a child of God.
  3. I experience God’s provision of empowering grace.
  4. I enjoy my freedom in Christ to its fullest.
  5. I avoid a life-pattern of deception.
  6. I cultivate a soft and sensitive conscience.
  7. I turn away from the solicitation of harlots in my heart.
  8. I refuse the temptation of idolatry.
  9. I prove to be a faithful steward of my money.
  10. I prove to be a faithful steward of my time.
  11. I abstain from any promotion and support of the pornography industry.
  12. I preserve God’s gift of loving sexual expression for its intended purpose.
  13. I protect the purity and power of my God-given imagination.
  14. I develop disciplined character.
  15. I guard the integrity of my Christian testimony.
  16. I promote health and harmony in the body of Christ.
  17. I cultivate a stronger resistance to future interpersonal sexual sin.
  18. I nurture the proper biblical view of the sanctity of womanhood.
  19. I relate to women as equals and persons of ultimate worth.
  20. I learn to live in reality rather than fantasy.
  21. I steer clear of unnecessary personal guilt and shame.
  22. I cultivate a lifestyle of contentment and satisfaction.
  23. I experience the blessing of living as a servant
  24. I learn the relational skills of authentic intimacy.
  25. I avoid future mental, emotional and spiritual scars on my life.
  26. I experience the joy of the Christian life.
  27. I lay up eternal rewards.
  28. I learn to deal with the causes of my problems rather than treating symptoms.
  29. I prevent potential temptations for others in my sphere of influence.
  30. I honor the trust and prayer support of those who have invested in my spiritual life.
  31. I avoid adultery in my heart.
  32. I encourage my wife’s/future wife’s trust.
  33. I honor my vow/future vow of marital purity and faithfulness.
  34. I keep my marriage/future marriage union pure from fantasies of other women.
  35. I communicate acceptance and honor toward my wife/future wife.
  36. I avoid the pathway that could easily result in infidelity/future infidelity.
  37. I minimize the risk of my children/future children from being exposed to pornography.
  38. I model strong and genuine moral values for my children/future children.
  39. I avoid embarrassing and embittering my children/future children.
  40. I encourage all of the above positive qualities in my children’s/future children’s lives.
I hope this aids you in the battle.

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