God’s plan for human sexuality

Heterosexual-flag-idea (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When it comes to sexuality, we Christians are mostly known for what we’re against, instead of what we’re for.

For instance, how many times have you heard or read something like this: “All you Christians care about is bashing homosexuals.” Or, perhaps, “All you Christians want to do is impose your morality on other people.” Usually, of course, the morality being referred to is sexual morality.

Even the phrase “sexual morality” has a negative feel to it these days.

Why is that? I would argue that we Christians have not done a good enough job in describing — and, sadly, living out — a positive vision for human sexuality.

It is true that in our overly sexualized culture, there’s plenty to protest: pornography, sleazy advertising, explicit song lyrics, TV shows that glamorize infidelity of every kind. We would be less than Christian if we remained silent.

So, we speak out against sexual sin. Got it. But what alternative do we offer? What are we for?

Well, the virtue of chastity for one thing—the right and proper use of our sexual desires. And just what might the right and proper use be? Sex within the bonds of marriage, for example? Sure. But that’s not exactly compelling or inspiring.

When Christians speak of human sexuality, it really should be inspiring! Think about that for a moment. God created us as embodied, physical beings. Sexuality — and expressing our sexuality — is part and parcel of what it means to be human. And within God’s design, it is a positive good and a blessing.

Chuck Colson often said that Christians cannot impose their views on anyone. Instead, we propose. That applies to human sexuality. Our job is to hold out to a hurting world a better way to live, a way that points to love and human flourishing, to human wholeness.

So let me ask you this: When is the last time your pastor gave a sermon on God’s wonderful design for human sexuality? Or has your small group ever talked about the beauty of man and woman becoming one flesh, about giving themselves unselfishly spiritually and physically one to the other in marriage; about the result of that love often being the birth of a child; all in the context of the true community of love, Christ’s body, the Church?

Folks, when it comes to sexuality, that’s what we Christians should be for. That’s the picture we should paint for the world, for our young people, for our married people, for ourselves.

Today on the “Two-Minute Warning,” my friend and BreakPoint colleague John Stonestreet begins his series on the Christian understanding of sexuality. You can watch it by going to Colson Center.org.

Over the next four weeks, John will talk about the signs of sexual brokenness all around us in the culture and even in the Church. And he’ll explain how we got here. But most importantly, he’ll paint that compelling picture of God’s plan for human sexuality.

Reprinted with permission from Breakpoint.org

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