Sin is ugly especially in me!

Titlepage of the New Testament section of a Ge...
Titlepage of the New Testament section of a German Luther Bible, printed in 1769. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sin is the great spoiler. It spoils our relation to God, each other, ourselves, and our environment. Not only is sin the great spoiler but also we need to know how to understand sin biblically and to face the temptation that comes with it. Without this dark backdrop, the coming and cross of Christ make little sense. 

Sin is serious. But in our postmodern society where there are no absolutes, and in an effort not to offend anyone concerning the issue of sin, we sometimes use other language: ‘done wrong,’ ‘erred,’ or ‘made a mistake.’ But the Bible encourages us not to be afraid to talk, preach, or teach concerning the Bible’s understanding of sin and its effects both personally and societally. The Puritans were right—it is only when we have first grasped the depravity of the human heart that can we ever fully appreciate the greatness of the love of God in salvation.

The doctrine of sin has never been a popular teaching, but it is an irreducible essential for every generation to grasp, or else the gospel will be redefined or rejected. Counterfeit Christianity heralds a message about a god without wrath bringing people without sin into a kingdom without judgment. The removal of sin removes the very guts of what makes the gospel good news. 

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