Psalm 147:4 God counts the number of the stars and he calls all of them by name

At the centre of our planetary system is our local star - the Sun - a typical G-type main sequence star that fuses hydrogen into helium in its core at temperatures of over 16,000,000 degrees Celsius.

This image was taken on 10 October, 2015 by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft.

The dark area across the top of the Sun's disk is a coronal hole, a region where the magnetic field is open to interplanetary space, sending coronal material speeding out in a high-speed solar wind stream.

Related: A psychedelic X-ray of our Sun


Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, taking just 88 Earth days to orbit the star on an unusual elliptical path that sees it rotate on its axis three times for every two orbits it makes around the Sun.

This image was taken by NASA's Messenger spacecraft, which became the first probe to enter orbit around Mercury on March 18, 2011.

During its two-year orbital mission, Messenger obtained thousands of images of the tiny planet's ancient tortured surface, allowing scientists to compile them into this composite mosaic portrait of the 4,480-kilometre-wide crater covered planet.

The huge circular, tan coloured feature in the upper right of the image is the Caloris basin, which was created by a giant impacting comet or asteroid early in the planet's history.

This ancient basin was subsequently flooded with lava from volcanic activity, in the same way as magma from impacts on the Moon formed the dark plains of the lunar maria.


Venus and Earth are often called sister planets because they are about the same size and have similar orbits around the Sun.

However, Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect that has left this hellish world with a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, surface pressures a hundred times greater than Earth, temperatures hot enough to melt lead, sulphuric acid rain, and metallic snow on mountain peaks.

This radar view taken by NASA's Magellan spacecraft between 1990 and 1994 with additional data from the agency's 1978 Pioneer Venus Orbiter shows what lies beneath the planet's thick cloud cover.

The colours are based on images obtained from the Soviet Union era Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft which landed on Venus in March 1982. Venera 13 survived on the surface for just 127 minutes and Venera 14 for less than half that time, before the crushing pressures and extreme temperatures destroyed both landers.

Earth and Moon

Our home planet Earth is the only place in the universe known to have life.

This blue marble image was taken from beyond the far side of Moon by the joint NASA-NOAA Deep Space Climate Observatory spacecraft (DISCOVR) over a five hour period on July 16, 2015.

From its vantage point 1.6 million kilometres away the space weather spacecraft constantly monitors the sunlit side of our planet.

Every now and then the Earth's Moon gets in the way, giving us a grandstand view of the far side of the moon.

This side of the moon, which is not visible from Earth, lacks the large, dark, basaltic plains, called maria, which give the side facing Earth its characteristic 'man in the moon' appearance.


The red planet Mars was once a warm wet world with a thick atmosphere, rivers, lakes, and an ocean covering much of the northern hemisphere.

However, when the Martian magnetic field disappeared billions of years ago, the Sun's solar wind blew away the most of the atmosphere, turning the planet into a freeze-dried desert.

This picture is composed of 102 NASA Viking orbiter images taken during the 1970s. It shows the planet's largest single geologic feature, a huge split of the crust called Valles Marineris, a 2000-kilometre-long, eight-kilometre-deep canyon system.

The three Tharsis volcanoes each about 25 kilometres high can also be seen in the west (left) of our image.

Ceres and the main asteroid belt
The dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt of minor planets and irregular bodies that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. Many of the asteroids and meteoroids that come close to and occasionally impact Earth originate in the asteroid belt.

Ceres was originally considered a planet when it was first discovered in 1801, but was reclassified as an asteroid in the 1850s when many other objects were discovered in similar orbits. Ceres was again reclassified - this time as a dwarf planet - following Pluto's demotion to dwarf planet status in 2006.

After spending a year studying another asteroid belt object, the protoplanet Vesta, NASA's Dawn spacecraft is now studying Ceres, capturing this image of its stark grey surface and mysterious bright spots.


This is the gas giant Jupiter. Although it has just one-thousandth the mass of the Sun, Jupiter has two-and-a-half times the mass of all the other planets and celestial bodies in our solar system.

This spectacular image showing Jupiter, the king of planets, and one of its tiny Galilean moons Io, was taken by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft in January 2007.

In this composite image, Jupiter is shown in infrared, with its trademark great red spot in the planet's southern hemisphere cloud bands appearing uncharacteristically white.

The other body in our image is the geologically violent moon Io which is seen in true-colour with a blue plume erupting from the volcano Tvashtar.


Majestic Saturn is often considered the solar systems most stunning celestial body with its four main groups of rings and three fainter, narrower groups of rings.

Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system and would theoretically float if you could find a pond big enough.

This captivating natural colour view of the giant gas planet and its rings was created from images collected shortly after NASA's Cassini spacecraft began monitoring Saturn as it moved into equinox which occurred on August 11, 2009

Almost weekly images of Saturn, its moons and rings are being supplied by the Cassini spacecraft, which has been orbiting through the Saturnian system since its arrival in July 2004.

The ice giant Uranus is unique in the solar system because it orbits the Sun tipped on its side following an ancient collision which occurred billions of years ago. While the rotation of the other planets resemble that of spinning tops orbiting the Sun, Uranus is described as being more like a rolling ball.

This extreme axial tilt give Uranus seasonal changes completely unlike those of the other planets, with one pole facing the Sun continuously during the planet's solstice, giving that hemisphere a season of daylight and the other a season of night. Only during the equinox when the Sun faces the equator does Uranus have a day night cycle similar to the other planets.

This image of the planet Uranus was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986 during its grand tour of the outer solar system.


The ice giant Neptune is the most distant planet in our solar system and the first to be discovered by mathematics rather than observation.

Neptune's cloudy atmosphere has the fastest known winds in the solar system, which reach speeds of over 2,200 kilometres per hour and generate many storms.

This image of Neptune was taken in August 1989 by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft and shows the Great Dark Spot which like Jupiter's Great Red Spot is an anticyclonic storm. Also visible on the planet's western limb are the fast moving bright cloud features, the Scooter and another cyclonic storm vortex known as the Little Dark Spot.

Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

The dwarf planet Pluto is the largest known body in the Kuiper Belt, a giant ring of comets, frozen worlds and icy debris which mostly orbit the Sun beyond Neptune.

Pluto and its largest moon Charon form a binary system orbiting each other around a common centre of gravity.

After a journey that took almost a decade and covered over five billion kilometres, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has forever changed our view of Pluto from a handful of blurred pixels captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, to this new near true colour high resolution composite image taken on 14 July, 2015.

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