The power of praising Jesus

We were all created to live and breathe in an atmosphere of praise-filled worship to His Creator. The avenue of sustained inflow of divine power was to be kept by the sustained outflow of joyous and humble praise to his Maker. The severance of the bond of blessing through obedience that sin brought silenced man’s praise-filled fellowship with God and introduced self-centeredness, self-pitying, and complaint (see Gen. 3:912). But now has come salvation and life in Christ, and now upon receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, daily living calls us to prayer and the Word for fellowship and wisdom in living. 

But our daily approach to God in that communion is to be paved with praise: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise” (Ps. 100:4). Such a whale of praise-filled openness to Him will cultivate deep devotion, faithful obedience, Ma constant joy. The writer has established a record of leadership that models the mark in which praise brings steadfastness in godly living while teaching a praise-walk that is neither fanatical, glib, nor reduced to mere ritual, but one of life-delivering power available to each believer.

1. “Judah” Means “Praise” (Gen. 29:35) Jacob gives Judah the highest blessing and will have royal and legal authority .. besides bringing forth the Messiah.

2. Praise Cures “Dry Times“ (Num. 21:16, 17) In times of pressure, anxiety, or depression gather with God’s praising people.

3. Power in Unity of Praise (2 Chr. 5:13) There is power in praise, thanksgiving, and music; and anything that takes attention away from God to the praiser/worshiper should be reconsidered.

4. Powerful Praise Births Victory (2 Chr. 20:1522) Faced with mortal enemies, the Levites responded to the Word of the Lord with “loud and high” voices of praise; total victory followed.

5. Praise Stops the Advancement of Wickedness (Ps. 7:1417) Self-induced, sincere, powerful, and audible praise will bring the presence of Jesus, driving out the desire to identify with sinful acts, thoughts, or deeds.

6. Praise Spotlights God (Ps. 18:3) Praise towards Him who is worthy spotlights God and so we radiate with joy.

7. Praise, the Pathway to God’s Presence (Ps. 22:3, 4) Praise, however simple, brings the abiding presence of God and thereby our edification.

8. Sing Praises with Understanding (Ps. 47:7) When we sing praises with understanding (intelligence, wisdom), we are testifying to God’s love for us and our love for God, and others will be touched.

9. Praise, the Road to Success (Ps. 50:22, 23) The focus of praise is toward God, but we are the ultimate beneficiaries as we receive power to order our conduct, revelation, and understanding.

10. Praise Releases Blessings and Satisfaction (Ps. 63:15) The type of expressed praise that releases blessings is full of passion and desire for God.

11. Creative Praise Stays Lively (Ps. 71:14) God wants us to be creative in our praise and not to fall prey to careless praise.

12. Teach Your Children Praise (Ps. 145:4) We are to constantly praise God and raise (by words, deeds, and example) the next praisers.

13. A Mighty Appeal to Praise (Ps. 150:1–6) We are called to praise God for His mighty acts and greatness throughout all His creation.

14. The Glorious Garment of Praise (Is. 61:3) The garment of praise repels and replaces a heavy spirit and brings hope, warmth, and covering.

15. Perfected Praise Produces Power (Matt. 21:16) Young people captivated by who Jesus was, responded with loud and powerful praise.

16. Praise Springs Open Prison Doors (Acts 16:25, 26) Praise directed toward God opened prison doors, converted a man, saved a household, and overthrew satanic captivity.

17. Encouraging One Another in Praise (Eph. 5:18, 19) Worship is magnified as we join with one another, mutually encouraging one another; therefore, we should assemble often and praise much.

18. Praise Releases the Spirit of Prophecy (Heb. 2:11, 12) As people praise, Jesus joins the song Himself and releases a spirit of prophecy.

19. The Sacrifice of Praise
(Hey 13:10–15) Praise is confronting, requiring us to kill our pride, fear, or sloth.

20. Worshipful Walk with God (1 Pet. 2:9) As a chosen generation, a priesthood,; a nation, and “special” to God, we proclaim His praise and propagate His blessing throughout the Earth.

Hayford, J. W. (Ed.). (1997). Spirit filled life study Bible (electronic ed.). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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