Fresh fillings with the Holy Spirit

In the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, fourth verse, we read: “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak,’ etc. This was the fulfilment of Acts 1:5. “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” One of those mentioned by name as being “filled with the Holy Ghost,’ (Acts 2:4,) or “baptised with the Holy Ghost’ (Acts 1:5), at this time was Peter. Turning over to the fourth chapter, the eight verse, we read: “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them,” etc. Here Peter experienced a new filling with the Holy Spirit. Again, in the thirty-first verse of the same chapter, we read: “When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” 

Peter is named as one of this company (verses 19 and 23), so we see that Peter here experienced a third filling with the Holy Spirit. It is evident that it is not sufficient that one be once “baptized with the Holy Spirit.” As new emergencies of service arise, there must be new fillings with the Spirit. The failure to realize this has led to most sad and serious results in many a man’s service. He has been baptized at some period in his life with the Holy Spirit, and strives to get though his whole future life in the power of this past experience. 

It is largely for this reason, that we see so many men who once unquestionably worked in the Holy Spirit’s power, who give little evidence of the possession of that power to-day. For each new service that is to be conducted, for each new soul that is to be dealt with, for each new service for Christ that is to be performed, for each new day and each new emergency of Christian life and service, we should definitely seek a new filling with the Holy Spirit. I do not deny that there is an “anointing that abideth,” (1 Jno. 2:27), nor the permanency of the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows; I simply assert with clear and abundant Scripture proof, to say nothing of proof from experience and observation, that this gift must not be “neglected,” (1 Tim. 4:14) but rather “kindled anew” or “stirred into flame” (2 Tim. 1:6, R. V. Marg.); and that repeated fillings with the Holy Spirit are necessary to continuance and increase of power. 

Now arises the question, ought these new fillings with the Holy Spirit to be called “fresh Baptisms with the Holy Spirit?” While, on the one hand, it must be admitted that in Acts 2:4, the expression, “filled with the Holy Ghost,” is used to describe the experience promised in Acts 1:5, in the words: “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost,” and that therefore the two expressions are to this extent synonymous; on the other hand, it should be noticed, that the expression, “Baptized with the Holy Spirit,” is nowhere used in the Bible of any experience but the first, and that, furthermore, the word “baptized” of itself suggests an initial or initiatory experience. While, therefore, we stand for the truth that those who speak of “fresh baptisms with the Holy Spirit” are aiming at, it would seem wisest to follow the uniform Bible usage, and speak of the experiences that succeed the first, as being “filled with the Holy Spirit,” and not as being “baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Torrey, R. A. (1895). The baptism with the Holy Spirit. (pp. 63–65). New York; Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company.

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