Do you need the Ministry of Divine healing?

The dynamic ministry of Jesus not only revealed God’s heart of love for mankind’s need of a Redeemer, but unveiled God’s compassionate heart of mercy for mankind’s need of a Healer. The will of God was perfectly disclosed in His Son: ours is to seek

how to most fully convey that full and perfect revelation. Just as the Fall of man introduced sickness as a part of the curse, the Cross of Christ has opened a door to healing as a part of salvation’s provision. Healing encompasses God’s power to restore broken hearts, broken homes, broken lives, and broken bodies. Suffering assumes a multiplicity of forms, but Christ’s bloodshot only covers our sin with redemptive love; His stripes release a resource of healing at every dimension of our need. The writer of this study is a missionary, pastor, teacher, and theologian, who has seen and helped multitudes to faith without presumption.

1. The Old Testament Healing Covenant (Ex. 15:26) Gods promises to keep His people free of diseases if they obey Him.

2. Healing Repentance and Humility (Num. 12:16) The healing of Miriam points to the importance of repentance and humility in healing.

3. The Focus of Divine Healing (Num. 21:59) Our healing, both spiritual and physical, comes from looking to and identifying with Christ crucified, “by Whose] stripes we are healed.“

4. Lessons in Sharing Healing Hope (2 Kin. 5:115) In some cases healing may involve obey dience and persistence.

5. Healing by Miracle or Medicine? (2 Kin. 20:111) God is the Author of all healing benefits, medical remedies are an act of obedience.

6. Job’s Affliction and Tool Recovery (Job 42:1013) Repentance and forgiving others have a place in receiving healing.

7. A Promise of Divinely Protected Health (Ps. 91:9, 10) Protection from sickness and plagues is conditioned upon intimate fellowship with God.

8. Saving and Healing Benefit (Ps. 103:3) The Lord not only forgives iniquity bud physically heals as well.

9. Deliverance from Our “Destructions” (Ps. 107:20) Some sickness is a punishment of transgression; repentance can bring healing.

10. Healing (Is, 53:4, 5) Bodily healing is Coded in the atoning work of Christ.

11. The Extent of Jesus’ Healing Ministry and Commission (Matt. 4:23–25) : Jesus healed extensively and made it: part of the Christian mission of deliverance.

12. The Biblical Grounds for Divine Healing (Matt. 8:16, 17) Jesus has borne all our sicknesses, as well as our sins.

13. The Lord’s Willingness to Heal (Mark 1 :40–45) Saints are to be certain of the Lord’s willingness to heal.

14. The Place of Persistent Faith (Mark 5:2434) The Bible records many who were certain and persistent and thereby were healed.

15. Cultivating a Climate of Faith for Healing (Mark 9:22, 23) Continuance in prayer and praise builds faith that brings deliverance.

16. Which Is Easier, Pardon or Healing? (Luke 5:1626) The linking of healing with forgiveness evidences Jesus’ concern for human need at every point.

17. The Healing of Spirit, Soul, and Body (Luke 8:36) God has a concern, to restore every part of man—his personality, his health, his relationship with God—and to save him from ultimate death.

18. The Disciples Instructed to Heal (Luke 10:8, 9) The authority to heal has been given to Jesus’ disciples as they are willing to exercise the privileges of being messengers and participants in the kingdom of God.

19. Healing as They Went (Luke 17:1219) The nature of sonic healing is “progressive” so that a doctor’s confirmation is not faithlessness.

20. Divine Healing Never Outdated (John 8:58) Christ ties all facets of His Person and ministry to His own unchanging timelessness.

21. Healing in Jesus’ Incomparable Name (Acts 3:16) Jesus’ character and of flee is the authoritative grounds for extending healing grace.

22. Paul’s Healing Ministry in Malta (Acts 28:8 9) God heals by many means: the prayer of faith, natural recuperative powers, medical aid, and miracles.

23. The Gift of Healing (1 Cor. 12:9, 28) The Holy Spirit energizes the gift of healing, and it should be established in d the church. 24. The New Testament Divine Healing Covenant (James 5:1318) Sick persons whom the elders of the church anoint with oil and pray for will be healed.

Do you need healing?

Hayford, J. W. (Ed.). (1997). Spirit filled life study Bible (electronic ed.). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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